Canadian Holistic Nutritionist Sisley Killam Shares Her Top Tips For Healthy Skin

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a qualified health care professional before engaging in any exercise or making any changes to your diet, medication, or lifestyle.

Cecily Killam knows what it's like to be uncomfortable in your own skin.

The 28-year-old has struggled with countless skin problems for years and wondered if she could ever have clear, healthy and glowing skin.

Fast forward to 2022, Killam is truly living his best life – or shall we say The Pure Life (TPL). After graduating from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, TPL is a wellness website developed to help women everywhere combat their skin care issues. From acne, scars, aging and more, Kilam has helped hundreds of women live confident and happy lives.

In an interview with Yahoo Canada , the Vancouver, BC-based nutritionist talks about her career and how diet and gut health play a role in skin health. Kilam shares his top tips for keeping skin looking young and radiant without expensive products or additives.

Yahoo Canada : Why did you decide to become a registered holistic nutritionist?

Cecily Killam: “I spent most of my teenage years trying to understand the relationship between food and its effects on my body… I eventually started putting the two together or both. I have found a passion for natural healing and want to help others do the same. I felt there was a lack of information, especially for women with acne, blemishes and gut issues, and I wanted to help women improve their health through nutrition and overall health. Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, so I can delve into the science behind nutrition.

"My goal is to help people feel empowered by their choices and create healthy, glowing skin from the inside out." Cecilia Killam

YC: Can you explain a little about the Pure Life platform and what you offer people?

SK: "Over the past 10 years, TPL has grown to become a provider of comprehensive skincare resources, including nutritious recipes, health tips and information on why we get acne and how to get rid of it naturally." My social channels, like Instagram and TikTok, are free resources. For women around the world.

"My goal with TPL is to remind women that they have a natural way to promote healthy skin without harsh drugs or expensive creams. I share the impact of diet, supplements, skin care and lifestyle on our skin. My goal is to make people feel empowered in their choices and have a healthy and To help you create glowing skin from the inside out.

YC : What are women's concerns when they come to you for skin care help?

Corona topic.

"I help people find the root cause of acne or other skin problems, whether it's hormonal imbalances, gut health issues, blood sugar imbalances, stress or mental blockages... Most people who come to me struggle with a variety of symptoms like that. Through diet, supplements, holistic skin care And lifestyle is important to focus on rebalancing the body.

"No matter what your skin problem is, nutrition is the foundation for your recovery." Cecilia Killam

YC: In your opinion, what is the role of diet in skin health?

SK: “Nutrition is a key guide to our body's ability to cope with the stresses of life, both mentally and physically. If our body is not properly nourished, with an abundance of micro and macro nutrients to maintain the body's balance, then we struggle to maintain the health of our skin. For example, diet plays an important role in reducing inflammation. Diet helps support healthy hormones. Regardless of the cause of your skin problem, diet lays the foundation for recovery.

"The best foods for healthy skin are nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods. Some of my favorite foods are green leafy vegetables (like spring salads and fresh herbs), wild fish, zinc-rich pumpkin seeds, and antioxidant-rich berries. Eat them almost every day. Eat!"

"Among the worst foods are fatty foods, highly refined foods such as refined sugar, and high amounts of canola and vegetable oils."

YC : What usually causes acne, scarring, or scarring?

SK: " The two main contributors I see to my work are hormonal imbalances and gut health issues."

"Many women come to me for relief from hormonal birth control. Post-pill acne is very common, mainly due to so-called 'androgen rebound,' when androgens (male sex hormones) increase after stopping the pill...other sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, remain elevated for a long time. Time After taking synthetic hormones, it may take some time for the body to produce and readjust.

"Intestinal health is also important for keeping our skin clean and healthy. Digestion is important because if we don't get rid of them properly, unwanted toxins and hormones are recycled throughout our body, causing many problems such as hormonal imbalances and inflammation. When we cleanse too often, we often fight acne. We don't get or use the nutrients we need.

"We can't focus on achieving healthy skin or supporting mental health without taking care of gut health!" Cecilia Killam

YC: How does the intestinal axis relate to the skin?

SK: "The gut-skin axis is something I often talk about with my clients. Our microbiome plays a big role in our mental health, which many people experience with acne or other things like skin aging. Our beneficial gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters like serotonin. And melatonin is important for mental and It plays an important role in maintaining our physical health.

"There's another connection to inflammation—inflammation and gut health are closely linked, and acne is a major inflammatory problem. We can't focus on promoting healthy skin or supporting mental health without paying attention to gut health!"

YC: Does eating right help your skin look younger and more radiant?

SK: "When I work with women, I often focus on anti-aging foods and healthy fats, both of which help with anti-aging at the same time. Focusing on a healthy anti-inflammatory diet is a great way to support youthful skin."

“I appreciate the beauty of the skin's natural aging process, but there is more we can do to achieve the healthy, glowing skin we all strive for. Surprisingly, a study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that many people with acne were able to show less signs of aging, which is a glimmer of hope in my battle with acne!”

"Stop buying every skin care product and supplement on the market." Cecilia Killam

YC: What are your top tips for healthy skin and how do you implement them?

SK: “I wish it was as simple as giving someone a magic pill or cream, but it's complicated... it's important to understand why. Acne or other skin problems appear first. The best place to start is by following these three tips.

1. "Start by focusing on a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. It's easy to fill 1/2-3/4 of your plate with vegetables—raw or cooked, lots of colors. That's a good way." Get healthy amounts of fiber and micronutrients.

2. "Stop voting! This is a game changer." Penetrating the skin can spread bacteria and worsen scarring. A good rule of thumb is to stand a foot away from the mirror or put some sticky notes in the bathroom to remind you not to pick."

3. "Stop buying every skin care product and nutritional supplement on the market. The best results I see from clients are when we cut through the noise and focus on a few simple but effective products based on the unique underlying imbalance. Both body and skin can feel it. I'm tired of so many products and supplements." Keep it simple and consult the experts for advice.

YC : What is your general advice for women struggling with acne or breakouts, or just trying to improve overall skin health?

SK: “You certainly deserve your potential and beautiful skin. Never lose faith - with the right tools, support and guidance, you can keep your skin healthy. You got it!"

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