6 Best Vitamins For Flu Season

6 Best Vitamins For Flu Season
Roos Cole / Moments / Getty Images © Provided by CNET Roos Koole/Moment/Getty Images

We're heading into the most beautiful time of the year when it comes to holiday season, but we're also in flu season.

More than ever, most of us are committed to staying healthy. This means taking precautions during flu season. You can try to get a good night's sleep or wash your hands more often. You may have had a flu shot or are planning to get a flu shot and are looking for the best vitamins for flu season.

When is flu season 2022?

Health experts are predicting that this 2022 flu season could start as early as this year. This means that starting in October, the likelihood of contracting the flu may increase. Flu season usually peaks around Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the season ends around March.

If you're in need of an immune system booster, we've got it for you. Vitamins and nutrients can help, and we've rounded up the best options.

Immune Boosting Vitamins and Nutrients

Evgeny Romanenko/Moments/Getty Images © Provided by CNET Evgeny Romanenko/Moments/Getty Images

In general, a varied, wholesome diet with plenty of foods will help you stay healthy by providing the body with the nutrients it needs . If you want to go even further, you can find ways to incorporate more of the best flu season vitamins into your life.

Vitamins and nutrients that boost the immune system include some favorites:

vitamin C

No wonder: Vitamin C can boost the immune system. Short stature increases the risk of diseases and infections.

Women should get about 75 mg of this vitamin per day, and men should get about 90 mg of this vitamin. The method is very simple because you can find it at:

  • lemon fruit
  • broccoli
  • Strawberry
  • pepper
  • spinach
  • cabbage

Vitamin B6

Your body uses this vitamin to produce red and white blood cells, which support your ability to fight disease. If you're looking for the best vitamins for flu season, you need to add this to your list.

You can get it from:

  • Domestic bird
  • Fish like tuna and salmon.
  • banana
  • beans

Some grains are also fortified with vitamin B6, so look for them at your local grocery store.

vitamin E

Research shows that vitamin E can boost your immune system and reduce your risk of infection, making it an important player during the 2022 flu season and beyond. You can get this vitamin from:

  • Various vegetable oils, including sunflower, soybean and safflower.
  • Dark leafy greens such as spinach or kale
  • almond
  • walnuts
  • pumpkin
  • avocado

Vitamin D

It's one of those immune-boosting vitamins that doesn't get a lot of recognition, but it makes a big difference. A lack of vitamin D increases the risk of infection, and getting enough vitamin D helps your immune system work at its best.

The problem is that some sources of vitamin D are not considered palatable (think: beef liver, cod liver oil, sardines). You can get it naturally from tastier foods like salmon and tuna, but vitamin D ranks slightly higher than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's report on malnutrition (PDF).

If you're looking for ways to get more of this vitamin without taking supplements, keep an eye on the grocery store. You can find milk and juices fortified with vitamin D.


Don't stop looking for the best vitamins for flu season using only vitamins. Various nutrients can help you stay healthy.

Let's take polyphenols as an example. These compounds are plant-based and help regulate your immune system, making it much easier for your body to take the right steps to fight infection.

Fortunately, most fruits and vegetables contain polyphenols. A diet high in foods should provide your body with many of these nutrients.


Another potential crop for the 2022 flu season, beta-carotene, gives plants a red and orange hue. It also boosts your immune system.

To diversify your diet, look for colorful foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and mangoes.

Is it possible to drink vitamins with the flu?

Despite all your efforts, you are still sick. Now that you're sick, can you take vitamins to relieve your cold or flu? Highly.

You should continue to take many of the vitamins listed above, which are better for flu season, but don't stop. In fact, some of the nutrients you expect from the list above actually work better when you're sick. We'll see.

Which vitamins are best if you are sick?

When you are sick, it is very important to eat healthy and nutritious food. This helps provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight disease.

In addition, there are two nutrients that can help you recover faster:

  • Zinc: Your body needs this nutrient on a regular basis, but it can be especially helpful when you're already fighting an infection. You can find zinc pads to give an extra boost for faster health regeneration.
  • Vitamin C: Some of the best flu season vitamins help prevent illness, but they can also play a dual role in fighting off active infections. Vitamin C is a good example. While most people need 100 mg or less of vitamin C a day when they are healthy, high doses of vitamin C can help shorten the duration of illness. As with zinc, you can find a supplement to add more if you're sick. Be sure to avoid 2000mg per day or you may experience unwanted side effects.

Should You Take Vitamins During This Flu Season?

Tana Prasongsin/Moments/Getty Images © Courtesy of CNET Thana Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images

Does it depend on how you usually eat? If you eat a balanced, nutritious diet high in colorful fruits and vegetables, you're likely to get the most nutrients from this list. However, if your diet doesn't meet a medical expert's assessment of a balanced diet, adding vitamins to your daily routine may help you get through the 2022 flu season with less risk of getting sick.

In particular, you should check your intake of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin D, as well as zinc. According to the 2005-2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey, among all adults over the age of 19, 46% of adults did not get enough vitamin C, 95% did not get enough vitamin D, 84% did not get enough vitamin E, and 15 % did not get enough vitamin C. Zinc. Talk to your doctor. They can help you check for potential nutritional deficiencies through diagnostics such as blood tests. Armed with this information, you'll be able to make better decisions to stay healthy, whether it's changing your diet, taking your vitamins, or both.

How to put together the best cold and flu care kit

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