For The Post Diwali Glow, Indulge In These 7 Skin Care Tips

For The Post Diwali Glow, Indulge In These 7 Skin Care Tips

Diwali is the time when we indulge in overeating. Eating too much fatty foods and sweets can cause breakouts. Women usually use a skin care routine before Diwali and wear a lot of makeup during the celebration. Our skin often becomes dry, rough and loses its glow. Don't let post-Diwali pollution leave your skin dull and lifeless because it's more than enough. How to rejuvenate the skin? Pay special attention to your skin, because it deserves it!

Dr. spoke to Health Shots. Purb Shah (MBBS, MD Skin), a consultant medical and aesthetic dermatologist shares some top tips to rejuvenate your skin after Diwali celebrations.

"A hectic lifestyle during Diwali is bad for your health and skin. Restoring your sleep and diet and getting back to regular exercise will help burn calories and normalize your metabolism," says Dr.

1. Avoid makeup

Take a makeup break. Frequent use of cosmetics during Diwali can disturb the skin balance. Giving the skin time to recover from this imbalance is crucial. Reduce active ingredients and increase hydration for a week or until skin returns to normal. You can indulge in facial treatments like Hydra to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin.

How to rejuvenate the skin © Courtesy of Healthshots How to rejuvenate your skin

2. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing

The first thing people notice about you is your face, so follow a daily regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing (CTM). These three steps are the secret to healthy skin. After CTM, it's time to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Choose multipurpose beauty products like moisturizers with SPF for quick, easy and effective skin care.

Also read: 5 habits to break if you want beautiful skin!

3. Sleep

Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to help your skin relax. Your skin regenerates collagen while you sleep, repairing UV damage and preventing sagging.

4. Green tea

You can apply this beneficial drink along with drinking it to increase the glow of your skin. The antioxidants it contains brighten your skin, and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can repair UV damage. To make a face mask, mix green tea powder with curd, milk and honey. Wait 15 minutes after applying on face. Use twice a week for perfect results.

How to rejuvenate the skin © Courtesy of Healthshots How to rejuvenate your skin

5. Sheet mask

The best way to improve the health and beauty of your skin is by using a mask. They add the extra moisture needed for long-lasting shine and are ideal for specialty serums and creams. In fact, a sheet mask can make you look younger and more radiant if your skin looks less healthy. Depending on how dry your skin is, use a sheet mask two to three times a week. But don't skip your skin care routine with a mask.

6. Training sessions

Regular exercise will help unclog your pores and force all the dirt out of your body. In addition, exercise increases the production of natural antioxidants that help protect cells and maintain healthy skin. It protects the skin's surface from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and other environmental irritants such as UV rays and pollution. Exercise for 45 to 60 minutes at least three to four times a week. It is an effective way to prevent skin problems.

Also Read: 5 Innovative Recipes You Can Easily Make Using Diwali Leftovers

7. Peeling with vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most powerful ingredients in skin care and is known to keep the skin glowing and youthful. Most anti-aging creams contain vitamin C, which has the ability to fight free radicals and UV rays that cause dull skin. A vitamin C peel is a great way to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate skin cell growth. It also helps in removing pigment spots and acne scars, leaving the skin clear and bright.

How to rejuvenate the skin © Courtesy of Healthshots How to rejuvenate your skin

remove food

So take a break from your routine to pamper your skin and restore softness, elasticity and radiance! Reclaim what was lost and rejuvenate your skin after Diwali with a few simple steps (mentioned above). Now that you know how to brighten your skin, follow these steps and enjoy your natural glow.

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