Dear Healthy Men, I have already had the COVID-19 vaccine and two booster shots, but my wife is encouraging me to get the flu shot. I say the COVID vaccines will protect me. Is anyone who disagrees right?
A : Simply put, it is. A lot of people, especially men, are trying to decide whether to get the flu shot this year, and as your question points out, there are a lot of misconceptions about flu and vaccines. To find out, we have compiled a list of myths and facts. Here are some of the reasons we recommend talking to your doctor about vaccinations and the best ways to keep yourself and your family safe this flu season and beyond. Find a complete list and other resources at
Legend. I am fully vaccinated against the new coronavirus so I do not need a flu shot.
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Indeed. After more than two years of COVID-19, we are all tired of vaccinations. But the truth is that the coronavirus and the flu are caused by completely different viruses. As a result, the COVID vaccines you receive (including boosters) won't protect you from the flu, nor will your spouse's seasonal flu vaccine protect you from COVID. For most people, flu shots have been shown to reduce the risk of getting the flu. As mentioned above, discuss the pros and cons with your doctor.
Legend. I am so healthy that I do not get sick.
Fact: As kids, many of us grew up thinking we were invincible, but I'm sorry to say that's simply not true. How many times have I read or heard of elite athletes or other exceptional people who were sidelined (or died) due to a physical, mental or infectious condition? As we get older and wiser, our ability to heal and fight infection decreases. We certainly can and should make lifestyle changes that reduce health risks, but sometimes we ignore that too. Healthy men believe that getting vaccinated against the flu virus is a quick and easy way to protect themselves and their families from this threat.
Legend. The flu is really not a big deal.
Fact: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 140,000 and 170,000 Americans were hospitalized for flu-related conditions and between 12,000 and 52,000 died each year between 2010 and 2020. The risks of hospitalization and death are particularly high for the elderly and those with the immunocompromised and very young. The flu can also cause serious problems in unexpected parts of your body. For example, according to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, if you have heart disease, the flu increases your risk of a heart attack sixfold in just seven days of having the flu.
Legend. Flu season has already started, so it's too late to get vaccinated.
Fact: the opposite. There is no "too late to get vaccinated". However, it's best to get vaccinated early, especially this year, as flu infections are already on the rise.
Legend. When you get the flu shot, your loved ones will stop bothering you.
Fact: It's true: Because most health ads and messages are directed at women, they are often more aware of the need to be vaccinated than men. And often it is the men in our lives who, in their own way, push us to take better care of ourselves. So, ladies and other loved ones, please continue to urge the men in your life to get the seasonal flu shot. For guys, once you get that chance, you will have more peace. Again, go to to see the full list.