Improve Your Skin And Eyes With These Delicious Foods High In Vitamin A

Improve Your Skin And Eyes With These Delicious Foods High In Vitamin A

Most of us know that vitamin A is good for us because it helps our eyes work at their best. But it has many other benefits, from treating inflammation and promoting healthy skin cells, preventing cancer, and boosting the immune system. Not enough? Well, vitamin A is also good for bones.

Think of vitamin A as a dual essential nutrient. There is preformed vitamin A in things like fish, as well as carotenoids, which are commonly found in foods and plant foods. What's the best way to get your daily dose (about 900 micrograms for the average man)? Of course, a balanced diet. But there are definitely a few things that will work the next time you're at a farmer's market or grocery store.

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Read our list of foods with the most vitamin A and be sure to include some of your favorite foods in your diet to keep your eyes, skin, immune system and hormones working at their best.


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Carrots are undoubtedly one of the most popular root vegetables. As a root vegetable, this tasty and versatile vegetable stores the plant's nutrients, so carrots are rich in minerals such as potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and K. A medium carrot contains about 45% of the value daily. Vitamin A, one cup of cooked carrots contains 1329 micrograms, 1.5 times the daily value.


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Preformed vitamin A is rich in many animal products, one of the best sources being fresh tuna. A 6-ounce steak contains 1,287 mcg, or 143% of the daily value. Tuna is also high in vitamin E, protein, selenium, magnesium, biotin and vitamin B12, among other important nutrients. Other fish and shellfish rich in vitamin A include eel, clams and mackerel.


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Eating sweet potatoes will provide you with numerous health benefits, many of which are high in beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes protect eyesight, the immune system and, with complex carbohydrates and prebiotic fiber, help balance blood sugar and reduce insulin secretion. A medium sweet potato contains almost 125% of the daily requirement of vitamin A, along with some vitamin C and potassium.

Red pepper

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The nutritional content of peppers varies by color. Red and orange peppers are especially nutritious because of their antioxidant content. Red peppers are one of the richest foods in vitamin C. For example, one red pepper provides 190 mg (212% GDI) of vitamin C, compared to a cup of orange slices providing 96 mg. Additionally, one medium sweet red pepper contains about 2 mg of vitamin E (14% DV) and 198 micrograms (22 DV) of vitamin E. Green peppers, on the other hand, contain negligible amounts of vitamin A.


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Butternut squash and other winter squashes, such as acorn squash, hubbard squash, and kabocha squash, as well as pumpkins, are rich in vitamin A. The bright orange color of these sweet, juicy fruits is due to the antioxidant beta - the carotene it contains. . . converted to vitamin A in the body. One cup of canned contains more than twice the daily value of vitamin A, and one cup cooked has 127% of the daily value, providing 1,144 mcg.


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There seem to be very few lists of healthiest foods these days that don't include broccoli. From fiber to vitamin C, vitamin K to vitamin A and biotin, this cruciferous vegetable is a disease-fighting superfood. Broccoli is also relatively high in vitamin A, with 120 mcg per cup.


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Liver is arguably one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin A. Nutrients such as vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12 are essential for energy production. A slice of beef liver contains 700% of the daily value of vitamin A. Lamb's liver is much smaller, but still contains more than twice the daily value. Liver sausages, fish oil and foie gras are also rich in vitamin A.


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Since many of the foods highest in vitamin A are oranges, it's no surprise that cantaloupe is rich in vitamin A. This juicy, soft fruit contains one-third of your daily vitamin A needs per cup. Mango, another bright orange fruit, has similar levels and is also an excellent source of vitamin E, which is essential for skin, hair and cardiovascular health.

wrong conceptions

cabbage in a bowl. © Manual cabbage in a bowl.

Dark leafy greens are one of the best sources of vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin essential for normal blood clotting. Kale, spinach, kale, turnips, beets, Swiss chard, and other leafy greens also provide iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamin A. One serving of cooked kale contains 885 mcg (98% DV) of vitamin A, and spinach , kale, turnip greens, and mustard greens are similar. Drizzle vegetables with healthy oils or eat nuts or seeds to pair them with fats that help absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

pink grapefruit

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Starting the day with half a grapefruit used to be common dietary wisdom, and we'd do well to return to that practice. This salty fruit not only contains vitamin C, which supports the immune system, but is also a good source of vitamin A. One cup contains about 15% of the daily value. However, as with pepper, color also matters here. Pink grapefruit contains 30 times more vitamin A than white grapefruit. Also, we are approaching the peak of citrus season.


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Although dark leafy greens will give you more vitamin A, a salad is also a good option. There are about 200 mcg of vitamin A per cup of lettuce in red-pigmented romaine lettuce leaves. Because lettuce is low in calories, it's one of the best sources of vitamin A, with 570% of the daily value in a 200-calorie serving.

With all of the above on your shopping list, you're sure to pamper your body with a healthy dose of vitamin A. Along the way, you'll likely keep your eyesight and skin healthy. That, and you'll also be eating a variety of ingredients with many other positive benefits.

Improve your skin and eyes with these delicious vitamin A-rich foods new to The Directory.

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