Edible Electronics: How A Seaweed Second Skin Could Transform Health And Fitness Sensor Tech

Edible Electronics: How A Seaweed Second Skin Could Transform Health And Fitness Sensor Tech

Scientists at the University of Sussex have successfully tested a new biodegradable health sensor that could revolutionize our health and wellness monitoring technologies.

Using natural elements such as rock salt, water and algae, combined with graphene, the Sussex team has developed new health sensors, such as those worn by runners or patients, to monitor heart rate and temperature. Because they are made entirely from natural materials, these sensors are completely biodegradable, making them more environmentally friendly than traditional rubber and plastic-based alternatives. Their natural composition also places them in the scientific field of edible electronics, electronic devices that are safe for human consumption.

What's more, the researchers found that their rugged algae-based sensor outperforms the synthetic hydrogels and nanomaterials used in legacy health monitors in terms of sensitivity. And the more sensitive the sensor, the more accurately it will record the vital signs of a person.

The idea of ​​using algae in health monitoring devices was put forward by University of Sussex physicist Dr. C. Conor Boland was born while watching TV during quarantine.

Dr. Conor Boland, professor of physics of materials at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences: “I first decided to use algae in the lab after I saw MasterChef during quarantine. When seaweed is used to thicken desserts, it provides a soft, chewy texture that vegans and vegetarians prefer as an alternative to gelatin." We thought about it many times: “What if we could do this with sensor technology?

“For me, one of the most exciting aspects of this development is that we have a sensor that is completely biodegradable and very effective. Microplastics pose a risk to human health when they decompose.

"As a young parent, I feel it is my duty to ensure that my research leads to a cleaner world for all of our children."

Algae is essentially an insulator, but by adding a critical amount of graphene to the algae mixture, scientists can create an electrically conductive film. When immersed in a salt bath, the film quickly absorbs water, forming a soft, elastic and electrically conductive hydrogel.

This development could revolutionize health monitoring technology, as the future use of clinical-grade wearable sensors will feel like a second skin or a temporary tattoo: lightweight, easy to apply, and safe because they are made from natural ingredients. This will greatly improve the overall patient experience without the need for more commonly used and potentially invasive hospital instruments, cables and probes.

Dr Sue Baxter, director of innovation and business partnerships at the University of Sussex, is encouraged by the potential benefits of this technology. He commented: “At the University of Sussex, we are committed to protecting the future of the planet through sustainability research, practice and innovation. The most interesting thing about this development of Dr. Conor Boland and his team were able to create a synthetic alternative that was once truly durable, affordable and highly effective.

“What is also remarkable about this stage of the research – and I think it speaks to the serious early work that Dr. Boland and his team put into putting their plan into action – is more than evidence of fundamental development. Our scientist from Sussex. or I will benefit in the not too distant future.” We have created a device with real potential to grow the industry into the product we can be.”

This latest research achievement follows the publication by Sussex scientists in 2019 of the Nanomaterials Development Plan, which provides researchers with a methodology to optimize the development of nanomaterials sensors.

Lead author led by Dr. Boland's result was developed by Sussex PhD student Kevin Doty, an MA student in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Sussex. He said: “I used to teach chemistry, but I decided to learn more about nanoscience. The risk paid off and I didn't enjoy it much more than I expected. I expected, but I also had the opportunity to apply what I learned. As a master's student, I became an erudite publisher, the first writer to work on new ideas.

“Studying nanoscience has shown me how diverse and varied this field is. Any scientific education can provide knowledge that can be applied exclusively in this area. This led to further doctoral studies. Previously, new career paths were considered that I never had. "

Recently, an article was published in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering titled "Food Inspired High Sensitivity Piezoresistive Graphene Hydrogel".

For more information: Adele A.K. Aljarid et al., Food-inspired high-sensitivity piezoresistive graphene hydrogels, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acsusschemeng.2c06101

Citation : Edible Electronics: How Seaweed's Second Skin Could Transform Sensor Technology for Health and Wellness (March 2, 2023) March 4, 2023 https://techxplore.com/news/2023-03-edible-electronics- seaweed-skin-health . HTML

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