Is Collagen Powder Really Good For Aging Skin?

Is Collagen Powder Really Good For Aging Skin?

A year ago I did research on collagen. I hear how good it is for women over 50 and aging skin. So I want to know a few things: What is collagen powder and what are the health benefits of collagen powder?

After my studies I started using collagen powder and the results were amazing. In this article, we will cover a few things.

  • Health benefits of collagen powder
  • Can collagen reverse aging?
  • Is it safe to use collagen daily?

And much more! I also share my favorite collagen smoothie recipe. This is the best moisturizer for skin, health and more.

Grab your favorite drink and go!

What is collagen powder?

Now the most important thing is to define what collagen powder is. Here's a great excerpt from Healthline that sums it up in a nutshell.

First, let's discuss the word "collagen," a buzzword used in beauty products, nutritional supplements, and Facebook ads. Collagen is an important protein that holds tissues and bones together. For your skin in particular, collagen helps give it its famous structure and elasticity, or "bounce."

Source: Healthline

So we see collagen as a protein and we all know how important protein is to our health. Protein helps muscles, skin, hair, nails, bones, and more! Although we can get protein from food, there is a big difference between collagen powder and protein powder.

Collagen is the most important protein in the body and is the protein that the body produces. But as we age, our bodies produce less collagen. You may see this in older adults who have thin, dry and less elastic skin.

Therefore, it is important to replenish your body with collagen. So, before we dive in, let's discuss the actual health benefits of collagen powder.

Also, as we get older, our bodies need special care. We may need more or different supplements and vitamins, more rest and less care.

Image credit: Depositphotos © Photography by Seth Sparkle Roads: Photo Deposit.

What are collagen peptides?

I've heard a lot about it. collagen peptides. I know this can be confusing, so I'm going to keep it as simple as possible.

So what exactly are collagen peptides and what is the difference between collagen powder and collagen peptides?

I found this helpful info on

Collagen peptides are a very small part of animal collagen protein . Collagen is one of the building blocks of cartilage, bone, and skin. Collagen peptides are made by breaking down the entire collagen protein into smaller pieces. When ingested, collagen peptides build up in the skin and cartilage.

And the excerpt below answers the burning question, "What's the difference between collagen powder and collagen peptides?"

Is collagen powder the same as collagen peptides? You may have come across the terms “collagen peptides,” “hydrolyzed collagen,” “hydrolyzed collagen,” and “collagen powder.” These terms are different names for the same thing , collagen protein powder . Specifically, the term "collagen peptide" refers to collagen that has undergone a process called hydrolysis.


I hope this clears your confusion. For the sake of this article and its simplicity, we will only talk about collagen powder.

Health benefits of collagen powder

So why should we consider taking collagen powder? Here are some health benefits of collagen powder that will make you run to the store to buy it!

  • Main component of all connective tissues (joints, ligaments, etc.)
  • Improves skin elasticity (makes skin younger and firmer)
  • Strengthening bones, teeth, etc.
  • Suitable for hair and nails
  • Relieves pain from arthritis (which was noted in my right elbow)

So we can see that there are some benefits worth paying attention to, especially as we get older and our bodies get more tired. We can slow down!!

To be honest, i wanted to start taking collagen powder to smooth out those pesky wrinkles, make my skin more elastic and slow down the aging process. Is it too late? Keep reading to find it!

I also started lifting because my hair is thin and i want nice locks. Tried collagen for this and the results? Well, now let's talk about that.

Image credit: Depositphotos © Photography by Seth Sparkle Roads: Photo Deposit.

Is collagen good for hair?

Is it true that collagen powder can be used for hair growth and thickness? You better believe. Hair starts to feel thin. Now, as a former hairstylist, I am dedicated to my hair, and especially my hair. Ha ha ha! I love my hair and it sad to see it spoil.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons I started using collagen powder every single day.

And it worked. I should have written that, but i can say for sure that within 6 months, though it may have been 2-3 months, my hair was getting thicker, stronger, and growing faster.

Oh happy day Eva!!

Is collagen powder good for hair? The answer is yes!

I was living in Mexico at the time and was able to order through Amazon. Now that i am back in guatemala, where there is no amazon, i bought a load of hydrolyzed collagen powder from my favorite little store here.

Now I understand that many people do not want to take supplements and get collagen from natural sources. This takes us to the next section. What foods contain collagen?

Products containing collagen

I will admit that i do my best to find the best natural ways to get essential minerals and nutrients out of my body, but if i can't, i am fine with supplementation. In fact, I take very few supplements because fresh, healthy foods are so abundant here in Guatemala.

Well, with that being said, sometimes i don't get enough of these actual collagen foods, so i may use collagen powder.

Here is a list of the best collagen products:

  • Bone broth (you can find great recipes on Pinterest)
  • Fish (good fish is hard to find here so I use fish oil capsules)
  • chick
  • berries
  • Egg whites
  • White garlic

These are some of the best foods you can get collagen from, but as long as you don't eat too much of them, the powders are completely safe and okay to use.

Image credit: Depositphotos © Photography by Seth Sparkle Roads: Photo Deposit.

This leads us to the next question...

Is it safe to use collagen daily?

Remember, collagen is produced naturally in our bodies, but as we age, we produce less of it. With this in mind, is it a good idea to take collagen daily?

Yes, this is correct.

The women prepared their way

However, as in any other condition, depending on your health and if you are taking other medications that may interfere with it, you should consult your doctor to see if it is appropriate for you. I don't have the resources to go too deep on this, but has a lot to say about it. Follow the link below to read the full article.

Also, always talk to your healthcare provider first about any supplements you plan to take.

Some people should avoid collagen supplements unless they are used under the close supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. These groups include:

  • It has medical contraindications.
  • for those taking medication
  • children
  • pregnant women
  • lactating people


Let's talk collagen powder and anti aging.

Can collagen stop aging?

I think this is a pressing question for many women (and men) over the age of 50: Can collagen reverse aging?

We know our bodies produce less and we need to replenish it. For many of us, the skin has tightened, lost its elasticity, and more wrinkles have appeared. If we start taking collagen powder now, will it restore our youth?

Yes and no. No stunning before-and-after photos like, "Hey Margaret now and before you start taking collagen powder." So no, it is not a miracle product.

However, it can definitely slow down aging ! I have seen a huge difference in my skin. I am 60 this year and yes i have wrinkles but my skin is amazing and amazing. It's soft and glowing (although I've been eating very healthy lately) and I'm not as worried about aging skin as I used to be.

Another thing to remember is that we are what we eat. So if you eat spoiled food and unhealthy food, it will appear on your skin and body. And I don't need to tell you that other outside forces play a huge role in our skin.

This includes:

If you eliminate them all, you will see a huge difference not only in your skin but also in your overall health. We are not getting younger, but we can improve our lives only by taking care of ourselves!

Now let's take a look at some of the benefits of collagen powder for skin.

5 benefits of collagen for skin and hair

I've talked before about how collagen works wonders for my hair. I am fuller, fatter, healthier, more energetic, and bulking faster. Happy coloring! But what about the benefits of collagen for the skin?

Here are 5 ways collagen powder can help your skin.

  • Better flexibility
  • Slows down the rate of skin aging
  • Increased blood flow
  • prevent flexibility
  • It gives a youthful and plump look

I add collagen powder to my smoothie daily (collagen smoothie recipe below!) and I notice a huge difference in the condition of my skin. I know that quitting smoking has helped me change healthy eating habits among other things, but overall I am happy with the way my skin looks today.

Another question people ask is: can collagen powder be applied to the face? Well, I looked into it and to be honest, no decision yet. I've read so many conflicting articles that I've decided not to talk about it.

However, if you like to exfoliate your skin from time to time, add a teaspoon of collagen powder to coconut oil (or an oil of your choice), rub in gently, and then rinse. Honestly, I don't know, but if you love exorcisms, why not give it a try?

Now let's get to the best part! My Collagen Smoothie Recipe! I hope you will experience it and love it as much as I do. Comment below if you do!

Willow Collagen Juice Recipe Amazing!

Image credit: Depositphotos © Photography by Seth Sparkle Roads: Photo Deposit.

To be honest, after I turned 55, I started noticing signs of aging in my skin and body, and after a few years I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I was looking for a good anti aging juice, googled the best skin softener, collagen juice etc and searched frantically and this is what i found.

Damn milky!! Ha!

So Eva did all the research for you, one more time please, and here is my Collagen Smoothie recipe.

You can mix and match fruits, but I chose berries because they are low in sugar and high in antioxidants. We don't have fresh blueberries here in Guatemala, and much to my dismay, we have loads of blackberries and raspberries. So there are only two types of fruit that I use.

Feel free to substitute any berries you like and have available.

Amazing Collagen Willow Juice Recipe:

1 banana

1/4 cup frozen strawberries

1/4 cup frozen berries

2 pieces of fresh ginger

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (for the chocolate!)

2 tablespoons of collagen powder (check the powder to see how much you need per serving)

1 tablespoon of natural almond oil

6 ounces of water (or your liquid of choice)

Put all this delicious food in a blender and voila! Note that there is no sugar except for the fruit, not much, so if you want a bit of sweetness, add fruit that has a higher sugar content, or just add sugar.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, and if you find something more delicious, let us know below!


I think it is safe to say that collagen powder is good for your skin, hair, and overall health. Are you going to start using it today? Are you using it now? What differences did you notice? Share below!

Old age doesn't have to be sick and sad when our bodies start to die. You certainly have the opportunity to start exercising to benefit from things like eating right and exercising in middle age and beyond.

I hope you enjoyed this article, and if so, please share! Always share carefully xoxo.

It is value added tax

Is collagen powder good for aging skin? She debuted in the women's Flying Tracks.

Many women lead the way.

The women prepared their way

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