It can be difficult to accept your hair loss and you may want to take steps to achieve healthy new growth, but it can be difficult to know where to start. While it's perfectly normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs every day, around 15.4 million people in the UK are estimated to suffer from hair loss at one time or another.
Luckily, a doctor has listed several vitamin supplements that are said to promote hair growth and help fight hair loss, which can occur when a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) attaches itself to hair follicles and causes them to shrink, resulting in thinner hair. , thicker and shorter. hair. Thinner hair. Softer hair.
Another factor that leads to hair loss is stress, as the hormone cortisol can interfere with hair growth and cause excessive hair loss and thinning. To learn more about hair and scalp growth, The So Body Co. spoke with Dr. Alexis Missick explains why hormonal changes and surgical procedures can cause hair loss. Dr Alexis Messick said: “Alopecia is a broad term used to refer to a person who loses hair in different parts of the body, most commonly the scalp.
"Hair loss can be permanent or temporary, and can be caused by a number of different conditions and factors. Hair loss is usually caused by genes, hormones, medical conditions, and certain medications." Alexis also said that surgery can also cause hair loss due to a combination of anesthesia and stress.
She explained that it's common for women to experience hair loss during different hormonal cycles. She said: 'Postpartum hair loss is a common condition that affects women after childbirth. After childbirth, hormonal fluctuations can cause hair follicles to go into a resting phase, which can lead to increased hair loss. Hair loss after childbirth can vary from person to person.It can last from six to 24 weeks and rarely more than 15 months.
It is recommended that you take supplements such as biotin, zinc, vitamin C, omega-3s and collagen if you suffer from hair loss, as they can help. Studies have shown that these supplements can help improve hair quality, including density, and may help reduce hair loss, Echo reports.
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