How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

Alicia Callahan

Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:34 pm

Unless you've been diagnosed with a specific deficiency, it's best to get nutrients through food rather than supplements, which are poorly regulated and can sometimes do more harm than good.

Melomed Melody/The New York Times

If you've ever looked in the mirror and noticed a new pimple or dull skin, it's natural to wonder if the food you're eating is to blame.

“Our diet has a big influence on our skin,” said Dr. Lauren Ploch, a dermatologist in Aiken, South Carolina. According to him, the skin is an organ like the heart or liver and is built and maintained thanks to nutrients contained in foods.

For example, proteins are used to produce collagen, which firms and supports the skin and promotes wound healing; and antioxidants like vitamins C and E protect skin from air pollution and the sun, he said.

But can eating certain foods like fruits or vegetables lead to clear, glowing skin? And can other foods like soda or white bread make acne worse or “make your skin look terrible,” as some on TikTok say? This is what we know:

What the study shows

A deficiency in certain nutrients can cause significant skin problems, says Dr. Mary Wu Chang, assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

For example, a vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy, causing symptoms such as bruising, difficulty healing wounds, and rough, thickened skin. Protein deficiency can cause peeling and discoloration of the skin.

But such conditions, Chang added, are rare in the United States.

It's difficult to study the more subtle effects of diet on the skin, but some studies provide clues, says Dr. Rajani Katta, a dermatologist and clinical professor at Baylor College of Medicine.

For example, in a Dutch study published in 2019, researchers analyzed the dietary records and photographs of around 2,800 older adults, most of them in their 60s and 70s. They found that women who ate more fruits, vegetables, fish and high-fiber foods had fewer wrinkles than those who ate more meat and snacks.

Another study published in 2019 found that French women who followed a Mediterranean diet had a significantly lower risk of developing skin cancer than women who didn't follow it. The authors suspect that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the diet may have played a role.

According to Katta, even some small studies have shown that some foods can have a direct impact on the skin.

For example, two studies have found that drinking about three tablespoons a day of tomato paste, rich in the antioxidant lycopene, protects your skin from sun damage; and there is evidence that other plant compounds, such as those found in colorful fruits and vegetables, tea, dark chocolate, and some herbs and spices such as cloves, cinnamon, and mint, may provide similar protection, although their consumption be limited. It doesn't replace the need to use sunscreen, Katta said.

Can your diet help treat some skin conditions?

Several small studies, particularly in adolescents and young men, have found that reducing consumption of sugary and starchy foods such as soda, candy, white bread and pasta helps fight acne, Chang said. Some reports show that consuming dairy or whey protein powder is associated with more severe acne, he added.

The Mediterranean diet may also benefit people with psoriasis, a condition that causes patches of oily, dry, itchy skin, Ploch added.

However, overall, there is limited evidence that dietary changes can treat skin conditions, says Dr. Aaron Drucker, a dermatologist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Toronto. And while changing your diet helps, he added, you may still need medication.

Nutrition tips for healthy skin

Unless you've been diagnosed with a specific deficiency, Ploch says it's best to get nutrients through food rather than supplements, which are poorly regulated and can sometimes do more harm than good.

For example, in a large clinical study conducted in France, adult women who took antioxidant supplements containing vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc every day for 7.5 years were 68% more likely to develop the skin cancer compared to women who did not take antioxidant supplements containing vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc. this supplement.

And biotin supplements that claim to be beneficial for hair, skin and nails can contain up to 650 times the recommended dose, which can lead to false lab test results.

Bad's top recommendation for healthy skin is a Mediterranean diet, which provides beneficial nutrients like antioxidants and protective plant substances, she says.

Chang also often suggests that his acne-prone patients reduce dairy products and foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates for at least four to six weeks. He said it won't help everyone, but some are reporting significant improvements.

Eczema and other skin conditions "ebb and flow," Drucker says, so it's not always clear whether dietary changes help or harm.

However, if you notice that a particular food consistently makes your symptoms worse, it makes sense to avoid it, she said.

But in general, keep in mind that eliminating too many foods or food groups can have unintended consequences, Drucker said. For example, eliminating dairy products can lead to the loss of calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, make sure your diet is balanced and includes a variety of foods that meet your nutritional needs.

This article originally appeared in the New York Times.

How does diet affect skin? What foods cause acne?

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