Coconut Oil For Skin: Whats Good And Whats Not?

Coconut Oil For Skin: Whats Good And Whats Not?

Medical report by William Truswell, MD

Coconut oil is promoted for its ability to moisturize dry skin. In addition, studies show that this natural oil may have additional antibacterial, antioxidant and healing properties when applied topically.

This article will discuss the benefits of coconut oil for the skin, the types available and how to use them for optimal results.

What benefits does coconut oil have for the skin?

Whether used to treat dry skin or health problems, coconut oil can provide a number of benefits.

Treatment of skin diseases

Research shows that coconut oil applied topically to the skin can help people with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis or pruritic eczema. The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil can reduce the severity of the disease, prevent moisture loss and improve the skin's barrier function. Ask your doctor if coconut oil is a good choice.

Reduction of stretch marks

Although coconut oil cannot physically remove stretch marks or stretch marks for other reasons, applying this oil to targeted areas can affect their appearance. Coconut oil's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can also help improve skin from the inside out and reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Recovery after surgery

Coconut oil has healing properties and can promote healing. It is one of the recommended ingredients to be applied near the vaginal area to promote healing after surgical procedures such as hymen surgery. Before using coconut oil, consult a doctor for post-operative instructions.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

If over-the-counter hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the anus or rectum) don't help, coconut oil can be a good substitute. In one study, researchers found that coconut oil reduced hemorrhoid symptoms in pregnant women more than other lifestyle changes.

If symptoms worsen or do not improve after a few days, contact your doctor.

Make sex comfortable

Coconut oil can be an effective lubricant that makes intercourse more comfortable due to its moisturizing properties. However, oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms and make them less effective. Before applying coconut oil to the skin and genitals, make sure that the product does not contain added sugar or other ingredients that can cause vaginal infections.

How to apply coconut oil on the skin

If you use coconut oil to moisturize dry skin, it's best to apply the moisturizer right after you shower. You can do this by taking a small amount of oil in your hands and rubbing it from the neck. Pay attention to the parts of the body that need more moisture, such as knees, feet, elbows and hands. Continue application until skin is moist and supple. Coconut oil can be reapplied later if needed.

Where not to use coconut oil

Because coconut oil can clog pores, it should not be used on the face or other acne-prone areas of the body, such as the chest and back, unless a doctor directs you otherwise. Also, avoid getting coconut oil in your eyes.

What skin types does coconut oil help?

Coconut oil works best on skin affected by conditions such as dry or atopic dermatitis. Because coconut oil and other natural ingredients or products with an oily texture can clog pores and cause skin conditions such as acne or pimples and acne.

If you are unsure about your skin type and are not sure if coconut oil is right for you, consult your doctor before trying it.

Types of coconut oil

There are two types of coconut oil, and both are solid before melting into a liquid formula.

Unrefined coconut oil is oil that has not undergone any processing other than oil extraction. It is made from coconut by wet or dry pressing and has a characteristic coconut taste and aroma. The term on the label of some unrefined varieties is "cold-pressed," meaning no heat was used during the extraction.

Refined coconut oil means that some processing steps have been carried out to remove some of the oil's natural components. Touted as a "cleansing" oil, it has no noticeable coconut scent or flavor and can be used primarily for cooking or baking. Refined coconut oil may lose some of the antioxidant properties of coconut during production.

Shouldn't everyone be using coconut oil for their skin?

People prone to clogged pores and acne should not apply coconut oil to their skin without consulting a doctor, such as a dermatologist (specialist in skin, hair and nail conditions).

Anyone allergic to natural oils (eg sunflower oil or similar natural ingredients) or allergic to coconut should consult a doctor before using coconut oil on the skin. Unrefined coconut oil may contain potentially allergenic proteins that may have been removed from the refined coconut oil during the extraction process.

People who want to use coconut oil as an SPF should probably reconsider their decision. Although some research suggests that coconut oil's antioxidant properties may help protect the skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays, most experts agree that regular SPF is recommended until more scientific data confirms these results.


Besides being moisturizing, coconut oil may have other beneficial properties for the skin. Studies show that the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances in coconut oil can help heal wounds, reduce scarring and treat certain skin conditions. Because the use of oils can be problematic for people with certain skin types, consult a doctor before adding coconut oil to your skin care routine.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.

13 Amazing Benefits and Ways to Use Coconut Oil

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