The Surprising Truth About Glowing Skin: Food, Weed, Cigarettes And Skincare

The Surprising Truth About Glowing Skin: Food, Weed, Cigarettes And Skincare

Posted by Hernan Panesi via El Planteo

When considering the best diet for skin care, we must also consider what is best for the rest of the body. for which Yes, because the skin, as the largest organ (yes, the skin is an organ) and is exposed to everything that surrounds us, is closely related to all body systems.

So what should we remember to take better care of our skin?

"Foods rich in fat, such as chocolate or sugar, have been shown to cause protein glycosylation. This means that high blood sugar can change the walls of blood vessels and vessels, making the skin unhealthy. Therefore, it can cause inflammation. Does it make make the skin look older," says dermatologist Luka. Gary Troyer explains.

Basic skin care

The skin acts as a barrier. The best foods to maintain a healthy barrier are associated with a balanced diet: "Avoid meat, soft drinks, coffee and chocolate." "A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamin C, and antioxidants can reduce inflammation, especially caused by a diet high in fat and sugar."

In addition to good nutrition

Isn't it just healthy eating for better skin?

The simplest and most obvious answer is "yes". In addition to a healthy diet, exercise is always recommended to stimulate the cardiovascular system and maintain heart health.

This includes cutting down or, better yet, quitting smoking altogether.

Regular and cigarettes

Another one? Yes, Gary Troyer constantly repeats to his patients, as well as on social media, which he uses to spread the word about his research.

"Especially in the summer, we are exposed to ultraviolet rays. UV rays also damage our DNA. Some cells can mutate, and uncontrolled reproduction can lead to cancer," warn dermatologists.

It is also recommended to apply sunscreen on areas exposed to the sun: face, neck, hands, feet.

"I believe that face and body care, although simple, is very effective. "We can then add antiaging agents that prevent or slow down photoaging," says Garin Troyer.

Tobacco and our skin

Dermatologists confirm that tobacco affects the cardiovascular system, which means it damages the skin. because what? "Although tobacco or cigarettes contain more than 300 mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, let's remember that when a person smokes with his mouth and inhales the smoke, he is hot and very hot."

And what does this have to do with skin? "The skin is supplied by the cardiovascular system, and smoking not only exposes you to these carcinogens, but also increases blood flow to the skin."

Marijuana and our skin

"When it comes to marijuana, we have to distinguish between local marijuana and smoked marijuana. As far as smoking marijuana, I definitely don't think it has the same amount of pro-carcinogens as tobacco or cigarettes. But yes, that's what happens. . He explained that the heat of combustion is too dangerous to smoke marijuana.

He continued, "I don't think there are any studies that show that skin cancer is related to marijuana use. Yes, I think it can cause problems in the mouth. Now, the current use of marijuana, that is. "It mine has been well studied in medicated creams and anti-inflammatory properties have been attributed to it. "I have good experience and general experience."

Garin Troyer, a dermatologist who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a specialty at Dr. Juan Antonio Fernández Medical Emergency Hospital, has used cannabinoid ice creams, antiaging moisturizers, and other antioxidant treatments in his professional practice. Provided with cannabinoid preparations.

However, "this industry is growing," so he urged caution.

First health

In the meantime, he strongly recommends avoiding photodamage (wearing sunscreen), a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and smoking. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of annual medical examinations.

- If a person does not take good care of his skin and wants to start, where should he start?

- Consult a dermatologist first. We should examine our moles once a year. I mean this before anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and other products. Skin health is the most important thing. I recommend an annual mole check. Then a good skin care procedure for the body and face. Photo protection is a step that cannot be skipped and if someone wants to use products for face and photos, they should follow the steps I mentioned first.

This article was written by an unpaid third-party author. Benzinga's report does not represent and has not been edited for content or accuracy.

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