Want To Look Younger, Naturally? Learn Everything About Maintaining A Healthy PH Level For Your Skin

Want To Look Younger, Naturally? Learn Everything About Maintaining A Healthy PH Level For Your Skin

We are obsessed with looking young.

So we bought all kinds of cosmetic products.

And we often forget that it is the health of our skin that determines our age.

Fortunately, skin care science has a solution.

This is the pH balance of your skin.

The ideal pH range for healthy skin is between 4.7 and 5.75.

If you can keep your skin's pH at the right level, you can prevent skin problems like acne, rashes, and dryness.

I will share them with you in this article.

  • Why does your skin need a balanced pH level?
  • What factors influence it?
  • How to restore your skin's pH level for youthful skin?

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The importance of a balanced pH level

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Low or high PH can cause skin problems such as inflammation or irritation. This occurs when our skin's natural oil and bacteria levels are disrupted. Any change in pH, whether too alkaline or too acidic, disturbs the skin's pH balance. A balanced pH balance keeps bad skin bacteria under control.

Let's have a look at some of the products to control the pH level of the skin which are mentioned in the table below.

What disturbs the skin's pH?

After a certain age the skin becomes sensitive and dry. Have you ever experienced it and wondered why this unexpected problem suddenly appeared in your life? Disturbed pH levels could be to blame!

Our skin is slightly acidic, with an ideal pH of 5.5. However, it can go as high as 4.8 to 6. If your skin is too alkaline, you may experience skin problems such as:

  • Vulgar ichthyosis
  • eczema
  • intertrigo candidate
  • Athlete's foot
  • pimple
  • swollen
  • premature aging

A balanced pH level paves the way for healthy and glowing skin.

How to test skin pH level: At home or in a clinic

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There are three ways to determine if something is wrong with your skin's pH level . This is:

1. Visit a dermatologist. Dermatologists have a pH meter that accurately measures the pH level of your skin. They will have information about changes in the pH level of your skin.

2. Litmus Paper Buy litmus paper and test your pH at home. You can get litmus paper at any pharmacy.

3. Watch for Body Signs Our bodies are often natural indicators that something is wrong. It is our job to identify and solve problems. Several symptoms occur when our skin is irritated:

  • premature aging
  • dry place
  • Redness and rash
  • Oily skin
  • Psoriasis

4. If you experience the above problems, take your time and visit a dermatologist immediately to improve your skin. You may still be wondering how it affects you or when pH level matters the most. We'll tell you how and why!

What factors affect the pH level of your skin?

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1. Age factor

Skin alkalinity increases with age. This causes wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration and other problems.

2. Nutrition

"It's you, what are you eating"! Eating too many acidic foods like coffee, sugar, yeast, bread, processed foods and alcohol can change the skin's pH level over time. Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain the pH level of your skin.

3. Effect of solar radiation

Excessive sun exposure affects the skin's acid mantle, exacerbating problems such as depression, pigmentation and acne. It's best to avoid going out in the afternoon.

4. Skin care regimen

Maintaining your skin's pH level requires daily care. Including:

  • What temperature of water do you use to wash your face: warm, hot or cold? Avoid using hot water on the skin.
  • Do you clean or scrub your face gently? Washing your face is wrong.
  • What cleaner do you use? Always use a gentle cleanser for your skin.
  • Do you like long baths? Prolonged rain disrupts the skin's moisture level.

These exercises remove acid deposits from your skin. So stop doing it now! Every problem has a solution. Read on to learn how to combat disturbed pH levels.

How to restore the skin's pH level

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Follow these simple steps to restore your skin 's pH balance and achieve naturally radiant, youthful skin

1. Eat healthy

What do you eat during the day: a piece of cake or a basket of fruit? Your diet has a huge impact on the pH level of your skin. It is important to follow a balanced and balanced diet. Include fruits, grains, seeds and juices to keep your skin hydrated. Oily and processed foods increase the acid content which disrupts the skin's pH level.

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2. Protect your skin from the sun

Always apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. It protects your skin from harmful UV rays. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher depending on your skin type.

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3. Try natural remedies like apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for maintaining the skin's pH level. Use half a cup of apple cider vinegar and mix it with four cups of water. Pour this mixture into a bottle and use it as a toner. Or you can choose commercially available apple cider vinegar made from apples.

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4. Wash your skin every day

Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type and use it every day. Moisturizers are available as lotions, gels, and heavy creams. According to a 2018 study, petrolatum-based emollients can help restore the skin's pH level. To find out which moisturizer is right for you, check out our detailed recommendations here.

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5. Exfoliate your skin

The removal of dead cells from the surface of the skin is called exfoliation. It is recommended to exfoliate the skin once a week. However, how often you exfoliate depends on the needs of your skin.

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6. Use prescription drugs or acids

You can use retinoic acid, alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, as well as the amino acid folic acid to maintain the skin's pH level. However, these acids can irritate the natural structure of the skin, causing dryness, redness and sensitivity, so their use is limited. If you experience any of these problems, stop using this product immediately.

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A natural way to restore the skin's pH balance

Here are some health tips you can follow to restore your skin's pH balance and keep your skin healthy and glowing.

  • Include probiotic foods in your diet, such as yogurt, kombucha, pickles, traditional buttermilk and cheese. Probiotic foods increase the good bacteria in our body which helps fight bad bacteria.
  • Use skin care products that contain probiotics or claim to be pH balanced.
  • Do not use any soap as it is harsh on delicate facial skin.
  • Do not use any product carelessly on your skin.

Final thought

Maintaining good hygiene, eating healthy, and practicing good skin care can help you manage your skin's pH level. Drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin moisturised and don't forget to use sunscreen before going outside.

Note: Balanced lifestyle = balanced skin pH level.

Consult a dermatologist before taking these steps.


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  2. Bhattacharya, S.; (2019, December 2). How to Control Acne Using iDiva pH Balanced Skin Care Products https://www.idiva.com/beauty/skincare/how-to-control-your-breakouts-by-using-skincare-products-whi-are-ph-balanced/ 18004801
  3. Warjri, LB (2019, August 30). This is why understanding your vaginal pH is so important . Idiva https://www.idiva.com/opinion/womens-issues/heres-why-it-is-iportant-tour-vaginas-ph-levels/18002501

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