10 SkinCare Trends That Will Dominate 2023

10 SkinCare Trends That Will Dominate 2023

Nothing beats the look and feel of healthy skin, right? The road to getting a clean visa can seem like a long one, as there is so much information at our disposal these days. The global skin care market is projected to reach over $207 trillion in revenue by 2028, and you can bet there will be bigger and better treatments, products, tools, and innovations coming out of the sector. Whether it's a naturally sculpted look or a smarter, more affordable approach to good skincare, Vogue talks to the experts below about the top skincare trends for 2023.

Sculpted leather

A new wave of treatments promises to make dreams of sculpted skin a reality. EmFace combines radio frequency with high intensity electric fields to increase collagen and elastin, tighten the skin and ultimately strengthen the underlying facial muscle structure for a more sculpted appearance. No needles and no rest are the key to avoid weak spots. Meanwhile, the prestigious esthetician Dr. Sophie Shotter introduces Advanced Collagen Remodeling Weakment, a series of treatments starting with Allergan's new HARmonyCa injectable hybrid to restore facial volume and stimulate the skin's natural collagen production. The second, a month later, uses Volite, an injectable hyaluronic acid, to improve hydration and texture. They will also send a collagen supplement and retinoid cream to your home to boost collagen levels from the inside out. At 111 Harley Street, a powerful radiofrequency and microneedling system called Potenza is said to rejuvenate, tighten and lift the skin; Expect redness about a day or two after treatment.

skin health

Optimal skin health is impossible without a balanced lifestyle; deep down we all know it. But according to Lab of the Future, we're increasingly opting for "science-based beauty formulas and tools designed for direct health benefits." Whether it's lymphatic skin care that activates the body's lymphatic system locally, or TheraFace Pro, which harnesses the power of shock therapy to reduce stress-related facial tension and relieve migraines (as well as clear skin) , we've got you covered. Products. I will go much deeper than just skin health, they are also great for our overall well being.

More comprehensive treatment

Facial care is not just about improving the appearance of the skin. Andrea Pfeffer, founder of the hugely popular London clinic Pfeffer Sal, has just launched her new venture, Salon C. Stellar. Yes, your skin will glow, but so will your soul, as she offers breathing, astrological and dietary therapies, as well as facial wraps: "Treatment needs more than just one dimension," she says. "You should leave the salon having a transformative experience with multiple benefits such as: B. Stress relief or peace of mind in addition to beautiful skin."

Proactive Prevention

"Millennials and Generation Z aren't looking for a cure for aging because they're not old yet," says Dr. "They want prevention and conservation. They begin cosmetic procedures in their twenties and thirties after noticing very subtle signs of aging." While the procedures may be the same as their older counterparts, he says the preventative (and some would say proactive) way is to use lower doses and injection volumes, as well as more forgiving device protocols.

Improve your fence

In 2022 we became one with the health of our skin barrier; Without it, we learned that there are no fresh faces. This year we will pay more attention to the care of this component of the skin and focus even more on the microbiome (or skin flora): "Any ingredient that is not good for the microbiome, such as alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, etc. . disappears," says Dr. Tiina Meder, Dermatologist, Esthetician, and GetHarley Clinic. "In particular, there will be a greater movement to strengthen the microbiome using light prebiotic-based formulas that will greatly help people with acne, rosacea or sensitive skin”.

laser mixing

Laser resurfacing is a versatile approach to treating a variety of skin conditions that allows you to treat all areas of the skin in one session, according to facial specialist Debbie Thomas. It goes without saying that an expert in the field should be confident: "From acne to spotty pigmentation or the onset of rosacea, the overall health of the skin will be stronger and more resilient," she says. Dr. Anjali Mahto is also an enthusiast of laser therapy and says that by 2023 she will be performing other skin procedures at the clinic: ". skin layer or destroyed) has enabled a safer treatment of skin of color when clinical research data are limited."

More inclusive education

For years, curricula and training have focused on white skin, meaning that anyone trained for any skin type lacks the skills needed to safely care for skin of color. To redress this serious imbalance in the industry, skincare brand Haeckels is opening a beauty school in Margate at the end of January. Courses include healing therapies and training for all skin tones and conditions and take into account all abilities, ages, sizes and cultural backgrounds to ensure the next generation of therapists are trained to the highest standards.

Intravenous drip for the upper part of the skin

While intravenous drips have become a must for treating a hangover or a weakened immune system, in 2023 Ouronyx Luxury Skin Clinic introduces an exciting new generation of vitamin drops that work on all levels of our health, including the skin. With the help of blood and DNA tests, the clinic can develop a personalized cocktail of vitamins and nutrients, creating the perfect personalized nutritional supplement. Not only does it promote general well-being, but it also improves skin health and enhances the effects of facial injections if desired. The definition of beauty from within.

hybrid workers

With the cost of living crisis, environmental concerns and the general trend towards more minimalist skin care, we are looking for formulas that contain synergistic ingredients in one formula. It costs less and is ultimately more efficient. "Well formulated, the right ingredients in the right concentration in the right combination can create skincare magic," says Dr. Sam Bunting. “This is a departure from the layered, one-ingredient serums we've seen so often in recent years. Now Superlayer starts working and saves you time."

Dermatologist online

With a passion for skincare that works hard for you and your skin type, dr. Emma Craithorn, who knows a thing or two about good skin, created Klira, a personal prescription skincare platform. After a comprehensive online diagnostic test, you will be referred to a specialist dermatologist who will prescribe Klira Special for your skin, which contains a mixture of active ingredients in the ideal concentration and base for your skin type; it will be a fresh mix. It will be sent to your address every 28 days. Plus, they offer flawless skin care for less than $60 a month. healthy skin? In the entrance!

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