How Parents Can Help Their Children Maintain A Healthy Weight

How Parents Can Help Their Children Maintain A Healthy Weight

Obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, and for many, the struggle to maintain a healthy weight begins as early as childhood. Health experts emphasize the important role of parents in instilling healthy eating habits in their children.

In the 1960s, only 5% of children were obese, but by the early 1990s, obesity rates had doubled. By 2018, almost 20% of all children were obese. And today's children are becoming obese at a younger age than ever before.

A 2020 Emory University study found that despite campaigns and public health measures, children born in the 2000s develop obesity at a younger age than children born 12 years earlier. Between 2017 and 2020, more than 14 million children in the United States were obese, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Despite extensive research, identifying the causes of obesity in children is not easy. Recent studies show that obesity is not only the result of malnutrition and lack of exercise. There are many different factors, including genetic and psychological factors, that determine who is obese.

But one thing is clear: obesity makes people vulnerable to serious diseases now and in the future.

Health risk of obesity

Research has linked obesity and overweight to the risk of developing asthma, type 2 diabetes, sleep problems, heart disease, cancer, and joint problems. Many obese children develop anxiety and depression and struggle with low self-esteem.

The CDC defines overweight as a body mass index between the 85th and 94th percentiles among children of the same age and gender. Any child who reaches the 95th percentile or above is considered obese.

A new study published on Wednesday found that even modest weight gain above normal levels can put children at risk for high blood pressure. Children with high blood pressure are just as susceptible to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease as adults, including heart attacks and strokes, according to the researchers.

The study found that the five-year risk of developing high blood pressure was 26% higher in overweight children. And for every unit of BMI added in a year, the risk increased by 4%.

Childhood obesity is also associated with poor health in adulthood. Another study found that people who were obese in childhood were three times more likely to die in early adulthood. Suicide and self-mutilation were the most common causes of death.

Healthy eating and adequate physical activity are the gold standard for maintaining a healthy weight, but some children may need appetite suppressants or bariatric surgery to help them lose weight. The most recent American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for the treatment of childhood obesity include medical and surgical intervention in some cases.

How to develop healthy habits.

The best way for parents to help children maintain a healthy weight is to develop healthy habits as early as possible. That's why parental support is so important, experts say.

Here are some tips to help kids maintain a healthy weight:

• Provide plenty of healthy meals and snacks, says the CDC. Your diet should consist mainly of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
• Drink plenty of water as a family and limit sugary drinks and processed foods that are high in sugar, salt and saturated fat.
• Set aside time for physical activity for the whole family. According to the CDC, children ages 3 to 5 should be active throughout the day, and kids ages 6 to 17 should be physically active for at least 60 minutes each day.
• Reduce screen time to 2 hours a day.
• Get your kids a good night's sleep. School-age children should sleep between 9 and 12 hours every night. Teenagers should be at least 8-10 hours.
• Model healthy behavior. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, when parents choose healthy foods and exercise, their children do the same.
• Teach kids to recognize hunger and satiety signals so they only eat when they're really hungry, not because they're bored or upset, recommends OSF Healthcare.
• Go shopping with your child and help him prepare healthy meals. This will help them feel empowered to make healthy decisions for themselves.

Parents who are concerned about their child's weight are encouraged to discuss possible solutions with their pediatrician. Doctors' goal is to delay weight gain by providing children with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development.

How to make healthy eating incredibly easy | Lucas Durward | TEDxYorkU

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