8 DermatologistBacked Habits For Healthy Skin — No Fancy Products Needed

8 DermatologistBacked Habits For Healthy Skin — No Fancy Products Needed

You can't go far without hearing about "miracle" products that clear acne, eliminate facial wrinkles, and reduce facial puffiness.

Of course, while there are things that can help combat this problem, experts say there are also important habits that can help keep your skin healthy and healthy.

Speaking to HuffPost, the dermatologist shared a few habits that can help keep your skin looking its best.

Take care of your overall health.

"We tend to forget that the skin is our body's largest organ. And just like the rest of your body, your skin benefits when it's generally healthy," says Elma Baron, MD, professor of dermatology at Case Western University. Book in Ohio

"Many skin conditions are related to conditions and diseases elsewhere in the body," she says. For example, eczema and psoriasis are associated with inflammatory problems in different parts of the body.

"People with psoriasis are more likely to have arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease," she said. "So the skin isn't really separate from our biology."

In other words, if you notice a health problem, it's best to check both the problem and the associated skin problem.

Avoid very hot baths.

This is usually a problem in the colder months, but it's important to remember that hot water can be harmful, says Dr. Daniel Tartar, MD, dermatologist and professor of dermatology at the University of California, Davis.

"I have many patients who come to my office in the winter who are dry, itchy, and itchy," says Tartar. "Take a hot shower or soak in a hot tub because it's great for dry skin, but it's bad for your skin."

She adds that when you step out of a hot shower, your body's natural moisture evaporates. "In short, a hot bath helps a lot," says Tartar.

After you shower, you should towel dry (not get wet) and use a high-quality moisturizer, which should be used daily, she said.

Avoid bad habits like smoking.

According to Baron, smoking is a bad habit for your skin (and many other parts of your body).

"Smoking is known to cause oxidative damage to many organs, including the skin," she said.

It can interfere with normal skin physiology and "oxidative stress contributes to cellular aging and can manifest itself as wrinkles".

Also, A 2012 study found that wounds heal more slowly in smokers. A 2020 study shows that smoking is linked to skin cancer.

enough sleep.

Sleep is important for many things: It can help your brain, your heart and even your skin.

"Skin is no different than any other part of the body that benefits… from a good night's sleep," says Baron. "We did some research a while back that showed that skin function, for example, the skin's ability to provide protection... is affected to some extent by lack of sleep."

For example, poor sleep habits can affect your skin's ability to recover from sunburn, she says.

Use a light SPF product every day.

Tartar says using products with an SPF rating is "very important, even on cloudy days."

"Clouds can block 20% of UV radiation [from the Sun to the Earth], but still no UV," he said.

According to Tartar, you should use a daily moisturizer with an SPF level or a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. And you should wear it on your face.

“Handle it in the morning with a toothbrush. Apply it to sun-exposed areas: face, chest, and backs of hands.” It will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

If you plan to be outdoors for any length of time or in an area with a high UV index, you should apply an SPF product every two hours.

Avoid the sun during peak hours.

The sun is strongest from morning to night, Baron says, which means it can do the most damage to your skin.

"We must not forget the importance of seeking shade whenever possible and avoiding peak hours," he said. "When you're on vacation, you probably don't want to be at the beach between 10am and 2pm."

If you must be outdoors, Tartar and Baron say protective gear like hats and long-sleeved shirts can help block the sun's rays. This includes anything that covers only your skin or certain clothing with built-in UV protection, which you can find at sporting goods stores and online.

Avoid harsh products unless prescribed by a dermatologist.

To keep your skin healthy and even prevent wrinkles, she recommends avoiding soaps that contain sulfate of tartar and other harmful ingredients.

"I use a mild cleanser in the morning… other products you can use," says Tartar. These can include vitamin C serums, SPF moisturizers, makeup and sunscreen, she added.

If you need a stronger ingredient (like a retinoid for acne), talk to your dermatologist first.

Know your skin.

Everyone has different sensitivities and preferences, so it's important to get to know each other to find the best health for your skin.

"Part of creating healthy habits is understanding your skin better," says Baron. Some people may like a salicylic acid cleanser, while others may feel irritated by the same product.

“You really have to try to figure out what's really… exacerbating the skin condition,” Baron says, also noting how certain foods can affect conditions like rosacea.

While Tartar doesn't personally tell his patients to avoid certain foods, he notes that foods high in sugar encourage bacterial growth, which can lead to acne and dermatitis.

Try keeping a daily diary to track your reactions to different foods, environments, and products, as what you should avoid and what you should use for skincare will depend on your experience.

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