The Health Benefits Of Saunas Vs Steam Rooms, Explained

The Health Benefits Of Saunas Vs Steam Rooms, Explained

While your dewy sheen may be unpleasant, a good sweat provides important health benefits. In addition to hot yoga or high-intensity exercise (such as an AMRAP workout ), saunas and steam baths can work up a sweat without any physical activity. But when it comes to a sauna or steam room, which should you choose?

Sweating is your body's way of cooling. When your body starts to overheat, it starts to sweat to adjust the temperature. Evaporation, sweat cools the skin and blood under the skin.

In addition to regulating body temperature, the body can achieve many health benefits by inducing heavy sweating. Here, we asked doctors what is the difference between a sauna and a steam room, what are the different benefits for our health, and what safety precautions should be taken into account before going to a particularly hot environment.

What is a sauna and steam room?

"Saunas and steam rooms are designed to create a warm environment, which then causes sweating and increases body temperature," says Samuel Mathis , MD, assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

The difference between a sauna and a steam room is twofold: temperature and humidity, says Mindy Peltz, MD, general health and women's health expert. "The temperature in a sauna is usually 150 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity is about 10%. In a steam room, the temperature is 110 degrees Fahrenheit, but the humidity is 100%," said Dr. So saunas create dry heat and steam baths "create a moisture-rich environment," Dr. Peltz said. Mathis

Both saunas and steam rooms provide full-body heat, but they do it in different ways, Dr. Peltz said. "As a result, they have slightly different advantages."

Health benefits of sauna

"You sweat more in the sauna than in the steam rooms," says Dr. Peltz. "A lesser-known benefit of sweating is that it removes cholesterol from the body, which is why research shows that regular sauna use improves cardiovascular health."

The various benefits of sana include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack or stroke), lowering blood pressure, and increasing immunity against common infections such as colds or flu, Dr. Mathis by.

There are also some studies that show that it helps with some skin diseases, arthritis and headaches, says Dr. Mathis added. "It reduces stress and improves relaxation, which has its own health benefits."

Some studies have shown that saunas can help with weight loss, the doctor said. Accounting notes. However, "most of these benefits come from combining sauna use with other healthy lifestyle habits."

Health facilities

Dr. Mathis says steam rooms work like saunas because they create a heated environment, but adding steam makes more sense.

You won't sweat much in a steam room, even though it may seem that way because of the steam droplets on your skin, Dr. Peltz says. "Water droplets trap sweat and cool the body. As a result, steam baths increase body temperature faster than dry saunas."

An increase in body temperature has several health benefits, Dr. Peltz said, including an increase in heat shock proteins, which are special proteins in the body that reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.

Steam baths appear to be more effective for joint pain, improved circulation , and skin problems (think facial steam baths ), says Dr. Mathis. "Steam can help relieve sinus congestion and breathing problems from hot, humid air."

What is best for your health?

"Saunas and steam rooms are very helpful," Dr. Peltz said. " Saunas may be slightly better at reducing cholesterol and steam baths may be slightly better at reducing muscle pain."

Dr. Mathis said there is generally more evidence for saunas than steam rooms, and saunas pose fewer potential risks than steam rooms. "The addition of steam creates a more favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi. Thanks to steam, many people are less aware of their heat and can stay in there longer than necessary."

While there may be subtle differences between a sauna and a steam room, they both do essentially the same thing, and it's a good choice if you want to relieve stress and improve cardiovascular health, Dr. Peltz

Safety issues in saunas and steam rooms

According to Dr. Mats Overheating is the biggest safety issue in both saunas and steam rooms. "Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your sauna or steam bath. Also, the recommended time in the sauna or steam room is 15-20 minutes at most." Of course, if symptoms of excessive heat (dizziness, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, excessive thirst or nausea) begin to appear. Get out of the sauna and relax, says Dr. Mathis.

According to Dr. Mathis, people who should be careful or not use saunas are pregnant patients, people with cardiovascular disease or vascular problems, and even people with frequent chest pains. You should also avoid saunas and steam rooms if you have asthma, other breathing problems, or epilepsy, says Dr. Petz. If you have a severe infection or have recently had one, saunas and steam rooms are not suitable until you have fully recovered, says Dr. Mathis by.

If you use a steam room, be sure to always wear shoes to prevent foot fungus. Because a wet and warm surface can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, says Dr. Mathis

Never drink alcohol in a sauna or steam room, warns Dr. Pelts. "Alcohol reduces blood pressure's ability to maintain blood pressure, an effect combined with the heat of a sauna or steam room, leading to disruptions that can be dangerous or even fatal," he explains.

Children should not use the sauna without parental supervision and should not be in it until they are adults, said Dr. Mathis by. "Seniors should also be careful in saunas and steam rooms as they are at risk of overheating ."

In conclusion: "If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, do not go to the sauna," says Dr. Mathis by. In women, high body temperature can harm the mother or the fetus. In men, sauna heat temporarily reduces sperm count, he said.

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